Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why I Should't Write A Blog

I know what you're thinking. That I am another unpublished writer looking for an audience and self-affirmation. Well, it's not like that. For one, I am a (self) published (co-) author. A children's book is a small achievement, but nonetheless, some people have actually purchased a book containing something I wrote. The point is, I don't need an audience. I already have a captive audience- of children. Wait, that makes me sound like a kidnapper.

Okay, maybe this isn't going so well. I sound rather cocksure, don't I? I do need your attention, and I probably will use this as a test field for the novels I am writing. I just wanted to explain that my motives are somewhat different for blogging. Most people blog for enjoyment, but this is going to be punishing for me. A punishment I will enjoy complaining about.

That's the kind of person I am. I don't know how I would ever survive if I were wealthy and had nothing to complain about. I would probably still take the subway just to give myself a reason to live.
I have tried to keep blogs before, but I couldn't follow through with it. The confessional aspect of a blog just isn't my cup of tea. I don't like to reveal much about myself, or indeed acknowledge the existence of my blog. My last blog was mainly dedicated to reviewing Broadway shows while in previews, but I didn't have the connections or the money to continue it. So I tried harping on pop culture, but there are already too many people that do it far better than I do. What do I really have to offer as a blogger? I don't even like the word "blog." I find it annoying and unimaginative. There are so many options for expressing oneself. You can tweet, yelp, or buzz about something, but to blog sounds awfully dreary, as if you are going to drag your words across three thousand miles of frozen internet tundra.

But everyone has a blog. It's the cornerstone of one's personal brand. Ironically, where once a blog was considered the domain of lazy writers with no audience and not enough real work to occupy themselves, today, a writer must have a blog to be taken seriously. So I'm making an attempt to be serious. It's not going to be easy or fun, but I'm going to write these things and you're going to read them, and we'll both complain about it.

Here's to our budding relationship.

Signing off,

Brooklyn Sourpuss

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