Monday, August 30, 2010

Hierarchy of Loathing

Some people love to love, but I loathe to loathe. It seems like every 10 minutes during my waking hours (and perhaps a little less frequently during my slumbering hours), I run into a situation that inspires loathing. Here are some every day examples, ordered from mildly loatheable to loathesomely enraging.

-People who abruptly reverse their direction in the middle of a crowded street. Pick a lane!

-Your upstairs neighbors walking all over their creaky floors when you are trying to go to sleep.

-Your across-the-courtyard neighbors blasting banda music at 9 am on a Saturday.

-Dogs wearing sweaters. God gave them fur to spare us the hideousness of dogs in sweaters, but alas, we live in a fallen world.

-A train closing its doors just as you emerge onto the platform.

-The knowledge that you could have made that train if only you hadn't gone back for your iPod.

-The knowledge that you could have made that train if not for the slow-moving person you were stuck behind on the stairs.

-People who stand on the steps of a subway entrance to talk on their phones. There's no way you're going be able to hear the train coming, say goodbye to your boyfriend, run down the stairs, swipe through the turnstile, and still catch the train, so why not stand where you aren't in the way?

-Groups of people who don't know how to use a Metrocard trying to get through an entrance with only two turnstiles.

-Bachelorette parties.

-Dogs in strollers.

Those are just some of the items on my loathe list. Thankfully one doesn't see a lot of clothed dogs walking (or being pushed) around the city in August, but all of the other items are a fairly frequent occurrence. I could do a whole list on the subway, but let's just keep it right here for now. And for those of you with a lot of bottled-up loathing, why not write a list of the things that annoy you and release some of it before you rage against the dying of the light? Unless of course, writing lists of things that annoy you annoys you.

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